Each baby is special and for some parents the vast range of information can be daunting. On the first visit following discharge the Public Health Nurse will give new parents the first in the Caring for your Baby booklets the details in this booklet are only the beginning of your search for information on how to do the best for your baby and you. Caring for your Baby Caring for your Baby and Caring for your Child website and booklets aim to help you to care for yourself and your child during your child’s first five years. Each one contains information about the growth and development of their child; advice about what to do if their child has a problem; and details of what people and services to get in touch with for more help and support. No booklet is a replacement for talking with someone who is trained to help you, so the useful web pages and phone numbers in the final chapter will help you reach a wide range of trained professionals. Public Health Nurses give these booklets to every new parent during their visits and the HSE have developed the content as an online resource also. They provide common-sense information and tips on the general care of their child, their child’s growth and development, what to do if their child has a problem and who to get in touch with for more help and support. There are 3 booklets:
*Caring for your Baby 0 – 6 Months http://www.hse.ie/eng/health/child/cfyb/0-6mths/
*Caring for your Child 6 months – 2 years http://www.hse.ie/eng/health/child/cfyb/6-24mths/
*Caring for your Child 2 – 5 Years http://www.hse.ie/eng/health/child/cfyb/2-5yrs/
The information is based on the most up-to-date, accurate information available within the Health Services, and on opinion from professionals in child health, support services, voluntary organisations and parent groups. Should you have a concern regarding your child please contact your GP, Practice Nurse or Public Health Nurse.
Source: http://www.hse.ie/eng/services/publications/Children/cfyb0-6.pdf